About us

OUS GROUP LTD is a company managing the careers of professional sportsmen, led by the UK based agent Mr Kingsley Ogbodo. Founded in 2015 and currently has its head office in Manchester, UK.

The discovery and promotion of young talents is one of our main aims and purpose of this company, providing them with careful career plans.

We Negotiate contracts that may involve signing new players, writing contract extensions or signing endorsement deals. Managing their client’s daily finances and investments.

We represent the interest of athletes, particularly in contract negotiations. We also handle sponsorship deals, public relations  and financial planning. Professional athletes often are signing their first professional contracts in their late teens or early 20s and rarely have the experience or education to fully understand the legal complexities involved. In the case of high-profile athletes, those contracts often are for hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars, and athletes need guidance handling those finances. Thats where we come in. 

We also provides our clients with a mental coach, nutritionist, financial advisor, media specialist, and an injury recovery process through a personal trainer.


